Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lego Saturation

There's a delicious new calm at The House. Boys play together -- quietly -- with few squabbles, almost no raised voices. The TV sits dark, looking almost lonely. Cars idle in their Matchbox storage cases; Buzz Lightyear hasn't blasted off in some time. For hours on end. I can get things done, even talk on the phone if I so desire. Homework is done without arguing; bedtime is pleasant.

Of course, it can only mean one thing: New Legos. Lots of new Legos.

Yes, Boy #1 recently had a birthday, and his friends and relatives came through in a big way for him. He's got Star Wars Legos, Monster Fighter Legos, Ninjago Legos and some other stuff, too.

And then there was the gift from us. An iPod Touch. Before you get all excited, know this: There's no phone or camera and it's cheaper than any flavor of DS. He can listen to music, play games, watch movies. . .and he thinks he's all that. Oh yeah, he's cool now.

I'm not sure, but I'm starting to think there ought to be a way to harvest this and put it away until summer. If you have any ideas, you know where to find me.
